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Lightning Protection Design

Lightning Protection Design should be done by a certified specialist. Our team of highly qualified engineers is able to provide technical support on all types of project of lightning protection following standards NF C 17-102 or IEC 62-305.

Based on the results of the Lightning Risk Analysis (that our team can do also), we provide our customers with precise lightning protection design plans and professional specifications that take into account technical, economic and installation constraints.

Let our experts create a lightning protection design that is efficient, reliable and compliant.

Choose a certified company for Lightning Technical Study

Logo ISO 9001

Certification ISO 9001


Logo Qualifoudre

Certification qualifoudre

By lNERIS : n° 051168729019

Lightning Protection Design Process

   Direct protection : Early Streamer Emission air terminal + accessories

The Lightning Protection Design describes which lightning protection system needs to be installed to meet the level(s) of protection given by the Lightning Risk Analysis. Depending on the site to be protected, several technologies can be used: Early Streamer Emission air terminal (ESE), Meshed Cage, Single Rod lightning rod or Wire lightning rod. Once the most technically and economically suitable solution has been selected by our research department, very precise installation plans are drawn up so that the future installer can easily follow the instructions when carrying out work.

Our recommendations are not limited to lightning rods, but also cover the other components of a lightning protection system: down conductors, conductor fixing, lightning earthing systems, equipotential bonding, etc… Our document details the required products and how to install them.

Indirect Protection : Surge protection devices and accessories

Again based on the result of the Lightning Risk Analysis, our study determines the precise quantity, location and characteristics of the Surge Protectors Devices (SPDs) required to achieve the required level of protection.

Maintenance and Inspection Instructions

A Lightning Protection Design must contain a Maintenance and Inspection Instructions, which must be left on site, available to the organisation reponsible for the initial inspection and periodic inspections. This instruction contains information from the Lightning Technical Study including a reminder of the normative framwork for the installation and the components to be inspected (type, number, location, etc). It also includes a Logbook for keeping a record of all events relating to the lightning protection system. This logbook must be completed and kept up to date under the responsibility of the head of the establishment, and must remain available to public authority officials responsible for inspecting the etablishment.

After the Lightning Protection Design?

Once the design has been carried out by a competent organisation, the following process must be followed to ensure full compliance and optimium safety.

France Paratonnerres will support you at every regulatory stage of your lightning protection system.

Lightning Protection Design process

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