Discover our range of E.S.E. Air Terminal
There is several types of air terminals, ensuring the lightning protection of the structures :

  • Simple Rod air terminal
  • Meshed cage air terminal
  • Catenary wires
  • Early Streamer Emission air terminal (ESE)

The Simple Rod air terminal is composed from a metallic rod with 2 to 8 m height dominating the structure to protect, and linked to 2 down conductors minimum, and 2 earthing systems. The protection radius ensured by this air terminal which is limited to 30 m more or less (Protection level IV, height = 60 m), especially dedicated to the protection of small structures or areas like towers, chimneys, tanks, water tower, antenna masts… The EN 62305-3 standard describes the installation procedure for these air terminals.

13 Simple Rods, 13 down conductors, and 13 earthing systems are necessary to ensure the protection below :

Simple Rod air terminal

The catenary wires protection is a method closed to the meshed cage principle, because it is constituted with meshing of the conductors far from the structure to protect, to avoid any contact with lightning current.

Catenary wires are located over the structure to protect, connected to down conductors and specific earthing systems. The width of the meshing and distance between the down conductors must respect the same rules as for the meshed cage. The EN 62305-3 describes the installation procedure for this method.

Generally, this method is heavy and expensive, due to the complexity of the structures to protect.

26 capture points, 26 down conductors and a grounded loop earthing system are necessaries to ensure the protection of the structure here below :

Meshed cage air terminal

The catenary wires protection is a method closed to the meshed cage principle, because it is constituted with meshing of the conductors far from the structure to protect, to avoid any contact with lightning current.

Catenary wires are located over the structure to protect, connected to down conductors and specific earthing systems. The width of the meshing and distance between the down conductors must respect the same rules as for the meshed cage. The EN 62305-3 describes the installation procedure for this method.

Generally, this method is heavy and expensive, due to the complexity of the structures to protect.

Catenary wires air terminal

The ESE air terminal is a terminal which enables to generate artificially an upward leader earlier than a simple rod, with an ionization system, in order to establish a special impact on its point. The capture of the lightning strike being faster than a simple rod, this technology enables to benefit from larger protection areas, ensuring protection for large dimensions structures.

The generated protection radius depends on the early streamer emission value of the air terminal (Δt in µs), its height, and the efficiency of the protection. The protection radius ensured by this type of air terminal is 120 m (Protection level IV, height = 60 m , early streamer emission time 60µs) The NFC 17-102 standard describes the installation procedure for this type of air terminal.

The installation of this type of air terminal is easy and cheaper than other technologies. It can protect whole buildings with one E.S.E. air terminal. It enables the protection of a structure and its environment, the protection of opened areas and well integrate in the architecture of a structure without aesthetic alteration.

1 ESE, 2 down conductors and 2 earthing systems are necessary to ensure the protection below :

Early Streamer Emission air terminal (ESE)

Discover our range of E.S.E. Air Terminal